Tuesday 10 December 2013

I have never been so happy to see December as I am this year. 2013 has not brought with it much joy or happiness, and I cannot wait to see the back of it! I thought I'd take a moment to take a peek at some of the fantastically festive interiors which can be discovered around this time of year.

What makes a fantastically festive interior? There is no answer to this question; everyone celebrates Christmas differently and no two homes are decorated the same. It's so strange how much of a variation there is in terms of the kinds of Christmas decorations people have on display, yet how the same festive feeling is created no matter what.

It may sound 'Scroogey', but my pet hates around this time of year are:

1. People who put their decorations up in November. NOVEMBER. I don't know if this is a national occurrence, or just in my hometown where everyone spends their November jobseekers' allowance on decorating their house from floor to ceiling. 

2. Those awful life-size inflatable Santa statues people hang from their windows round here. Again, I have no idea if this is just in my scummy hometown or on a wider scale... I don't really like anything Santa related when it comes to decorations; some old man with a beard and red cloak hasn't made me feel 'Christmassy' since I was about 8.

3. The competitions some families seem to have with one another to see who's house can resemble Blackpool Illuminations the most. Having your vile multi-coloured house flashing at me all night long does not amuse me. Sorry. I don't know how people afford the extra electricity needed to power them anyway, I know I couldn't!

4. Tinsel. Every year, my boyfriend and I have a little argument about tinsel. He loves it, I hate it. I think this is a taste I have inherited from my parents, who also hate tinsel. Never in my life have I allowed tinsel to touch the Christmas tree. Hello TinselGate.

5. Coloured Christmas Trees. Obviously not green ones - I'm taking about the purple, pink, red and black ones. Why, just why???

6. People who think hanging wierd sh*t like mice, oranges, rabbits and bells from their Christmas tree in addition to mismatch baubles is acceptable. In my eyes, you need some kind of scheme going on!!! 

7. Those Christmas lights that include about 10 settings, meaning you have to have some kind of light show in your front room before you get to the setting whereby they do not flash. I've got no clue how people can sit, watching their televisions etc, whilst their Christmas Tree looks like it's part of a rave. It's distracting, and so annoying.

8. Not strictly decorations, but I've never understood the logic behind those paper thin hats you get inside Christmas crackers. Why is it good to wear a tissue paper hat (which either tears as you put it on your head or constantly falls down and covers your eyes)? What have these hats got to do with Christmas? I'm going to research this one, as it's puzzled me for quite some time...

So, what do I like?

For me, the image above screams Christmas. Real trees, colour co-ordinated decorations, open fires, those white & yellow lights that give that glow, stockings on the fire place, presents under the tree... Do you really need to make your house into Santas Grotto for it to feel like Christmas...?



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