Tuesday 12 November 2013

Office design is often overlooked; however, it is crucially important to the success of the company - a non-functioning, poorly designed office can hinder basic tasks and reduce productivity within the workplace. Great office design is intended to open up new lines of communication and give staff different environments for different tasks, thereby providing further motivation whilst enhancing and encouraging creativity and productivity.

Most workers spend the majority of their waking hours indoors with a large number of these workers spending a vast amount of time at computer workstations, often far away from any windows and natural light. Limited exposure to natural light can negatively impact mood and productivity; it is a majorly overlooked benefit in office design but should be thoroughly considered when designing the layout of an office space. Natural light offers a much wider colour spectrum which offers ease for viewing details and performing basic tasks. Our eyes are designed to work in cooperation with the changing light levels of sunlight - they do not work so well with the harsh and continuous levels of artificial lighting in offices. Natural light allows for the reduction of eye fatigue and less complaints about headaches. 

So, how can we maximise natural light within an office space? To improve the amount of natural sunlight within an office, interior walls should be knocked down to create a much more open environment. Alternatively, glass walls can be used for sectioning off private offices - this will allow for sunlight to flood through the entire space and permeate the core of the office, thereby providing adequate illumination to allow for basic workplace tasks to be carried out. The inclusion of natural light and open spaces within an office design will positively impact mood and productivity throughout the entire workplace. 

It is not only light that is of great importance when designing an office interior; it is essential that employees are given enough space. This does not only include large enough desks - circulation spaces also need to be considered. Circulation spaces in office design refer to the spaces in corridors or between desks and different departments which enable people to move around freely and without disturbance.

Open plan office spaces are often the best for making the most of the available space. Although there is a requirement to provide a quiet area to concentrate whilst working, it is highly beneficial to create a dynamic and fun atmosphere which allows workers to interact with one another and share ideas as a team.

It is key for any workplace to include areas whereby the workers can take a break from their duties. However, there are far more beneficial break-out spaces than the bog-standard canteen/break room found in so many workplaces today.

Break-out spaces should not just be considered as some kind of seating area for employees to eat their packed lunch at; the clever design of these spaces is critical when it comes to ensuring employees are adequately refreshed and ready to embark upon the rest of their working day with their creative juices flowing.

Above all else, break-out spaces should be informal environments which provide a change of scenery to the rest of the workplace. Informal spaces help to break down any barriers to communication whilst encouraging creativity, productivity and spontaneity. They should not only be a place of relaxation, but also a place for exchanging thoughts and ideas through social interaction.

In general, break-out spaces within professional establishments are only going to be seen and used by the employees of the company and not by visitors or clients - so, be bold and creative with the room layout, furniture and accessories and listen to what your employees want from the space if you really want to ensure productivity is increased.

This particularly applies to smaller offices. In large offices, there is often enough room to incorporate separate meeting areas etc which ensure that clients do not see the actual working area as this is 'behind the scenes'. However, in a small office there is no option for this - everything is visible to anyone whom enters the space. 

It is crucial that storage solutions are considered and measures are taken to ensure that the workplace is kept organised and free of clutter. Storage is often an afterthought when companies decide to take on a new office space, but lack of storage can prove to cause both mess and stress in the workplace - it's important to ensure that documents etc are readily available, and organisation is the key to doing so. However, storage doesn't have to be in the form of the oh-so-boring grey filing cabinet. There are thousands of great, fun storage solutions available on the market to suit all storage needs. Choose the right one for your business. 

Think about your furniture at home - most of us don't actually spend a lot of time at home other than on evenings and weekends, yet the furniture we buy does not last us a lifetime.

Remember this when choosing furniture for your office - your instinct may be to spend as little as possible when it comes to thinks such as desk chairs for your employees. However, avoid doing this at all costs. Spending an extra couple of hundred pounds in the first instance will save you thousands in the long run. A desk chair may be a relatively small and understated object, but workers spend the majority of their time sitting in this chair and so it is essential that comfort is considered when purchasing such furniture. The ill effects of an uncomfortable chair are inclusive of lower back pain and general discomfort, which can in turn lead to periods of absence due to sickness ranging from one day to months upon months - this will cost the company a great deal of money.

Your workplace should be somewhere that represents your company brand and values. If your workplace could be easily compared to the offices of another business, then something is definitely wrong! Don't stop the branding at the stationary stage with business cards and letterheads - take it further and ensure it is incorporated into the office design. 

The company brand should be infused into the working environment; it should surround the employees and speak to the clients. Things such as wallpaper or accessories such as framed images on the walls should not be overlooked; although these things may seem minor when it comes to effective office design, they are the details which allow for representation of the company and give identity to an otherwise bland and 'samey' space. Remember that the office space should tell the story of what the employees are employed to do.

This doesn't have to be at great expense to the company - a little imagination can go a long way. The identity of the business can be portrayed through something as simple as a continuous colour scheme used for decoration or the company logo presented on a feature wall. If you are a modern business, show this through the furniture and accessories within the premises. Your company message and the visuals provided through the office space should relay the same message. The small finishing touches applied in the designing of an office interior can help to personalise the space - critical non-essentials are things which are designed to stick in the client's mind. The office I work within is nothing flash; however, the empty magnolia shell was transformed to represent our business through the use of the colour green, taken from our company logo. With regards to critical non-essentials, we have bowls of certain mints placed round the office and although this is something minor, our clients remember us for this.

So, remember - the physical appearance of your office should not be overlooked. Inject your slogans, logo, philosophy, values, attitude, products and colour palette into the environment in order to showcase the company to visiting clients. 


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